Narrow Aisle’s IMHX exercise raises funds for Transaid.

6 October, 16

Members of the Narrow Aisle team took time away from the company’s hectic stand at the recent IMHX to compete in the Transaid ‘Lift to Save Lives’ challenge.

The challenge aimed to raise funds for the charity as well as awareness of the logistical difficulties faced by Transaid when delivering vaccines in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Exhibitors were pitted against one-another to find out who could generate the most power on a ‘Ski-Erg’ exercise machine and, in doing so, move the most vaccines and ‘save the most lives’.

The challenge raised £5375 for Transaid throughout the course of IMHX.

The winning team was Zonzini, whilst Toyota Materials Handling was top of the pile in the forklift truck division. Congratulations to both teams!


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