
Websites remain key in Golden Quarter marketing, despite social media surge

30 Sept 24

Websites remain key in Golden Quarter marketing, despite social media surge

Research released today by leading eCommerce provider Visualsoft

Research released today by leading eCommerce provider Visualsoft, highlights the continued dominance of brand websites in driving consumer engagement during the Golden Quarter. Despite the rapid rise of social commerce, websites remain the primary channel for discovery and engagement.

Marketers understand that the peak period is a pivotal time, with consumers actively searching for gifts and discounts. The report reveals that a third (31%) of consumers will reach out to discover more through a brand’s website. Meanwhile, newsletters engage 17%, whilst classic Christmas TV ads capture the attention of a quarter (26%) of consumers. In fact nearly half (46%) say that nostalgia is a key driver.

Generational preferences highlight importance of targeted marketing

Although only 1 in 8 (17%) engage through social media marketing, this figure skyrockets to 67% among 18–24-year-olds. In contrast, only 1 in 10 (8%) of those aged 55-64 engage with brands on social media. Notably, 35% of 18-24 year olds are driven to purchase by social media influencers, compared to just 14% on average. This is crucial evidence that including social marketing for younger demographics is vital, and brands must differentiate their targeting.

Sarah Burke, Head of Social Strategy at Visualsoft commented, “We’ve seen a rise in social shopping across TikTok with consumers spending more than 70 minutes daily on the platform and a 200% uplift in live commerce usage. But websites aren’t dying. In fact, they are still the primary source of inspiration and sales. Marketers and retailers need to ensure that all channels are used in conjunction, with a personalised and consistent experience across them all, driving people towards the end goal of making that purchase in this competitive period.”

Value and research drive consumer decisions

Given the recent cost-of-living crisis, shoppers are looking for the best deal. The survey shows, 37% save their big purchases for the Golden Quarter, with 65% identifying price as the biggest influencer.

Just behind websites as a key channel are price comparison sites, which are a key part of the journey for 29% of shoppers. This focus on value is driving an extended research phase, providing brands with an opportunity to influence consumers' pre-purchase. A multi-channel approach with the brand website at its core, is essential for success.

Ashley Wright, Chief Commercial Officer at Visualsoft, said “Our research shows that brand websites still play a crucial role in connecting with shoppers, especially during the busiest time of the year. While social media and traditional channels like TV are still important, it’s clear that a well rounded approach, with a strong online presence at the core, is essential to grabbing the attention and loyalty of today’s price-savvy shoppers.”

The report ‘Make Golden Quarter 2024 shine: Unwrapping UK shopper gifting trends for dazzling engagement’ delves into British attitudes towards online shopping uncovering key preferences, sentiments, and purchasing behaviours ahead of Christmas. 

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