RHA Challenges Comments From Channel Port Head.

12 August, 19

The Road Haulage Association challenges comments made by the president of Port Boulogne Calais, regarding the UK’s warnings of post-Brexit chaos between Dover and Calais.

“He says that the British authorities are Brexit ready,” said RHA chief executive Richard Burnett. “From the meetings we have had it is clear that they are not. Since day one we have been pressing Government for clarity as regards future border crossing procedures and we have conveyed our concerns about the future to Monsieur Puissesseau on many occasions.

He continued: “If everybody turns up in Calais with the right documents there will be no problems but today with only 80 days until we leave the EU, we still cannot establish what is needed and what qualifies as ‘lorry ready’. It’s an information abyss.”

“If decisive, clear action is taken now, and if we get the right information into everybody’s hands then there’s every chance of making this happen. Disruption can be kept to a minimum and we will recover more quickly. But until we get the clarity that is so desperately needed, optimism is in very short supply. We are hoping for an urgent meeting with Monsieur Puissesseau to explain this and voice our concerns.”

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