Women Take The Helm Of FTA’s Northern Ireland Freight Council.

21 June, 19

Two women are leading the fight for the logistics industry in Northern Ireland, following their election to FTA’s national Freight Council as Chair and Vice Chair. Industry experts Pamela Dennison and Charlene Quayle will help determine the organisation’s approach to pressing issues such as Brexit, climate change and air quality, by facilitating discussions with FTA’s members at council meetings.

Seamus Leheny FTA’s Policy Manager for Northern Ireland, commented: “With the ongoing uncertainty surrounding Brexit – particularly the very real threat of leaving without a deal in place – it is very important FTA listens closely to the concerns of its members; it takes skilled and experienced Chairs to facilitate these conversations. With the direct ear of government, FTA is then able to communicate the needs of the industry to the corridors of power.

“Their deep understanding of the industry, combined with a history of campaigning, make Pamela and Charlene the perfect women to lead the Freight Council into 2019 and beyond. Women continue to be underrepresented in the logistics industry; male workers currently constitute 86.3 per cent of the workforce*, but under the leadership and guidance of Pamela and Charlene, we hope to see real change.”

FTA’s policy positions are determined by the members of its democratic Freight Councils; the organisation then responds to government consultations and future policy plans accordingly.

Pamela Dennison of WS Dennison and National Officer for the Chartered Institute of Transport & Logistics, commented: “I am delighted to have been elected Chairwoman of FTA’s NI Regional Council, a position which brings with it a healthy degree of expectation that I am keen to meet. It is an honour to be the Chairwoman of a council which represents some of the most successful logistics companies in UK and Ireland, but it is not without its challenges; Brexit being the most prominent, and the problem of the border and its complex integrated Irish supply chain.

“FTA’s freight council process is critical in ensuring that the association speaks and acts for the freight industry with well-informed views which reflect the experiences of operators in Northern Ireland.”

Charlene Quayle, Group Transport Compliance Supervisor at RiverRidge commented: “I am honoured and excited to begin my two-year role as Vice-Chair of the NI Freight Council. As a council member for 11 years, I have witnessed first-hand the great things FTA can do on behalf of NI freight companies and am very excited to be an integral part of this process. I feel it is a positive step forward for the industry that two women hold the position of chair and vice-chair and I believe that myself and Pamela Denison will do our utmost to represent the NI needs and concerns”

Efficient logistics is vital to keep Britain trading, directly having an impact on more than seven million people employed in the making, selling and moving of goods. With Brexit, new technology and other disruptive forces driving change in the way goods move across borders and through the supply chain, logistics has never been more important to UK plc.  A champion and challenger, FTA speaks to Government with one voice on behalf of the whole sector, with members from the road, rail, sea and air industries, as well as the buyers of freight services such as retailers and manufacturers.

For more information on FTA please visit Click Here

*According to ONS Table EMP04: Employment totals by occupation, status and sex, September 2018

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