
Pick By Choice: Voice Commands Perfect Picavi Smart Glasses.

10 Aug 18

Pick By Choice: Voice Commands Perfect Picavi Smart Glasses.
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The pick-by-vision solution provided by Picavi has been enabling users to input information in a different way since this summer: Workers can activate the microphone on their smart glasses and issue instructions to the software controlling the system through voice commands. This provides a further option alongside the other opportunities; so far workers have been able to either use the touch pad on the glasses or the ring scanners or handle the picking movements in the system via the Picavi Power Control, which also acts as the rechargeable battery. Depending on the situation and their preference, warehouse workers can now select their favorite input mode so that they can complete their picking tasks quickly and reliably.

“Almost all employees like to organize their daily routine as efficiently and with as much variety as possible, using their own initiative. Modern technology opens up a large number of opportunities in this field. With this in mind, we’ve given our glasses another input mode,” says Johanna Bellenberg, Director of Marketing and Communications at Picavi, explaining the rationale behind the latest development. “It’s now possible to complete particular points in the workers’ catalog of tasks much faster by using the voice commands,” says Tobias Broehl, Sales Manager at Picavi.

To give one example, it is possible to enter corrections in quantities by communicating commands at voice level through the microphone, which is an integral part of the glasses; this is much faster than was possible just by using the touch pad on the arm of the glasses in the past. “This makes employees more flexible in their work generally and they can use the input process that suits them best,” says Tobias Broehl.

Picavi is a corporation with international operations and can therefore store the voice commands in several languages in the software too, if customers request this. The company has already pursued a similar approach for the display on the smart glasses for its global customers; it is then possible to show the commands in the local national language.

“We’ll continue to work on the technical specifications for our glasses so that we can consistently optimize the pick-by-vision experience for our customers,” says Johanna Bellenberg, giving the reasons why the company’s philosophy includes introducing innovations. Picavi has already convinced more than 50 customers all over the world about the benefits of using its smart glasses for picking operations in internal logistics since it was founded.

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