Forwarders Give Cautious Welcome To Heathrow Expansion Decision.

5 June, 18

The trade association that represents the UK’s freight forwarding and logistics businesses has given a cautious welcome to today’s news that the UK cabinet has approved plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport after years of argument and delay.

Robert Keen, Director General of the British International Freight Association (BIFA), said: “Hopefully, today’s news is the beginning of the end of years of procrastination over the expansion of UK aviation capacity.

“If that is the case, it is long overdue good news for our 1,500 member companies who have been dismayed over the ongoing delay on such a huge issue.

“However, we understand that MPs will now be asked to vote on the issue in the coming weeks and, given the track record of parliament on this issue over the last 20 years, uncertainties remain.

“Whilst the UK Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling has previously hinted at an expedited planning procedure, with no reopening of high level arguments, the inevitable legal challenges and the convoluted planning processes that are also likely, lead me to wonder whether any expansion will be completed by the time that UK aviation capacity is predicted to run out in 2025.

“I hope I am proved wrong, but I won’t be booking a ticket for the opening ceremony just yet.”

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