Benelux Forms Latest Addition In Twill’s Global Expansion.

28 March, 18

As part of Twill‘s rapid expansion plans, the company has this week added Benelux to the import countries available on its digital freight forwarding platform.

Twill prides itself on providing an online solution that is so simple and easy to use that it can take as little as 30 seconds to place a cargo booking. Building on the expertise of partner company Damco, Twill’s agile approach to freight forwarding means that the platform is constantly adapting as the market continues to evolve.

In 2018 the company plans to add more than 15 countries to its platform with the aim of opening up the digital freight forwarder to an even wider range of customers.

Troels Stovring, CEO of Twill commented: “Benelux is a hugely important market for us – not only is it our home-turf, it’s also home to the Port of Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe. That means that this latest expansion helps us to be seriously well-connected across Europe, ultimately enabling us to provide an even better, faster and more wide-ranging service for our customers.”

Naud Frese, Chief Commercial Officer, Benelux & Switzerland at Damco added: “Our customers are thrilled that we are introducing Twill into The Netherlands and Belgium to become one of the first freight forwarders with a digitized solution in this market. We’ve been looking at ways in which we can improve end-to-end visibility for our customers and manage logistics in a much more practical way. We can really disrupt the market with this cutting-edge technology – it will make waves in the industry and truly redefine the future of container logistics.”

Damco is the market leader in Supply Chain Management in Benelux, particularly in the retail and lifestyle vertical. Based in Rotterdam, the company operates warehouses in both the Netherlands and Belgium, offering a full-suite of SCM and freight forwarding services to help customers simplify their supply chain.

Customers based in Benelux can now ship with Twill from China, Vietnam, Indonesia or India – so if you’re looking for a platform that’s easy to use and offers a broad range of proactive milestones, sign up to make your first booking now:

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