FTA supports PM’s Brexit vision of “tariff-free and frictionless trade”.

17 January, 17
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The Freight Transport Association (FTA), the UK’s largest transport trade association with around 16,000 members, supports the Prime Minister’s vision of Britain’s likely future relationship with our European and global trading partners.

FTA welcomes her commitment to “tariff-free and frictionless trade” with the European Union and to ambitious free trade agreements with other partners globally. Her statement allows FTA to identify where the new ‘friction points’ in international trade could occur and work with the government to negotiate the best possible outcome for UK businesses.

FTA’s ‘Keep Britain Trading’ conference on 15 March will provide a timely opportunity to examine and discuss the implications for new trade deals with other countries, and how potential Customs tariffs and trade procedure barriers can be reduced when striking these new free trade agreements.

FTA will be examining the implications for Britain’s future trade with Europe arising from the Prime Minister’s statement. The degree of access to the European market agreed for the UK will be largely determined by the new free trade and new customs agreements, and these will be key topics of discussion during FTA’s conference.

The UK road transport industry is also highly reliant on EU nationals who work as drivers, warehouse operatives and in other key roles across the sector. The continued ability of FTA members to employ and recruit these key workers will be essential to their future business success and FTA will be seeking assurances that the government recognises and accommodates the essential needs of the logistics sector.

The Prime Minister’s commitment to maintain the common travel area in Ireland is welcomed by FTA as this is one of the key issues of concern to its members.

A truly global Britain, trading effectively with all nations, is something FTA welcomes, and the Association urges the government to progress bold and ambitious free trade agreements with key trading partners around the world as quickly as possible to ensure seamless business relationships can continue.

FTA’s conference, ‘Keeping Britain Trading’, will take place at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster, London SW1 on 15 March 2017. Further information and enrolment details can be found at: http://www.fta.co.uk/events/Keep-Britain-Trading.html


James Hookham, FTA Deputy Chief Executive, is available for interview/comment: please contact the press office to confirm arrangements.
For further information, please contact Rona Hunnisett or Claire Britcher on 01892 552255 or email [email protected].

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The Freight Transport Association can trace its origins back to 1889 and is recognised as the voice of the freight and logistics industry, representing the transport interests of companies moving goods by road, rail, sea and air. FTA members operate over 220,000 goods vehicles – half the UK fleet – consign over 90 per cent of the freight moved by rail and 70 per cent of sea and air freight.

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