Meet the Manufacturer (MTM), Varlink’s annual mobile & rugged computing, auto-ID and EPoS channel event is set to take place on Wednesday 27
April 2016 at The St. John’s Hotel in Solihull.
Sponsored by Zebra Technologies, the 2016 event is the first MTM to be held at The St. John’s Hotel and is the eleventh to be hosted by Varlink. Meet the Manufacturer brings together system integrators, mobile computing & EPoS solution providers & IT resellers with Varlink distributed manufacturers who will exhibit their latest products and are available to discuss projects, product applications and roadmaps as well as industry trends.
Varlink Chief Executive Mike Pullon said, “Meet the Manufacturer is now a firmly established channel event and a real opportunity for system integrators, solution providers & IT resellers to get a clear view of the opportunities available this year.
“2016 is set to be an important year for the industry with the introduction of Windows 10, the continued expansion of Android for enterprise and the increasing challenge posed by consumer products in the enterprise market.”
MTM has been designed with a convenient drop in format to be easily accessible to ensure visitors get maximum value from the event. Attendees can use the event to meet the needs of their business which is also a great training opportunity for new starters, meeting manufacturers and products demonstrations.
Much more than just a ‘show and tell,’ MTM is the best opportunity of the year for solution providers to keep ahead of the curve and hear first-hand what developments are on the horizon, including both opportunities and challenges to their business in 2016.
Exhibitors confirmed for MTM 2016 include Zebra Technologies, Honeywell, Datalogic and Janam as well as vendors recently added to Varlink’s portfolio – Panasonic, HP and DataVan.
To view a full list of exhibitors and to register for the event visit